Complete 10 repetitions and 1-3 sets of each exercise.
1. 90-90 Breathing with Hip Raises
2. Clam Shells
3. Dead Bug- extended legs
4. Thoracic Mobility- Upper
5. Wall Angels
1. 90-90 Breathing with Hip Raises
This exercise will help you engage your deeper lower abdominal and lower back muscles.
– Lie on your back with your feet placed onto a wall with knees bent at 90 degrees
– Place on hand on your chest and one on your abdomen
– Inhale through your nose and feel your chest and abdomen rise
– Focus on filling your lungs in a 360 pattern
– Exhale with pursed lips and with force; as you exhale gently lift your hips off the floor and tuck your tailbone under.
2. Clam Shells
This exercise targets the gluteus medius and maximus as well as the abductors. This exercise helps stabilize the pelvis and strengthen the pelvic floor.
– Lie on your side with knees bent at 90 degrees.
– Align your hips so that they are stacked one on top of the other.
– Lift your knee up while keeping your feet together.
– Raise your leg and do not allow your hips to come out of alignment.
– Squeeze your glutes at the top of the movement.
3. Dead Bug- extended legs
This exercises activates the deep core muscles. You will work the transverse abdominis, erector spinae, rectus abdominis, obliques and the pelvic floor.
– Lie on your back with your arms and your legs straight up towards the ceiling.
– Lower your right leg and left arm toward the floor, slowly and with control.
– Ensure that your back stays in contact with the floor throughout the movement.
– Return to center and then repeat on the other side.
4. Thoracic Mobility-Upper
Thoracic mobility plays a role in optimizing the strength of your core as well as helps to optimize the movement of your diaphram. It can also contribute to improving posture.
– For this exercise you will need a chair or bench.
– Kneel in front of your chair.
– Place your elbows onto the edge of the chair.
– Position yourself so you form a flat back; do not allow your core to collapse.
– Gently bend your arms back and proceed to lift your upper back to stretch.
– Return to a flat back and repeat.
5. Wall Angels
This exercise help to open rounded shoulders and strengthen postural muscles of your upper back.
– Stand with your upper back pressed against the wall.
– Tuck your chin in.
– Raise your arms into a Y shape and then lower them to form a W shape.
– Your hands and elbows should maintain contact on the wall throughout the movement.
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